Mixed... together

Mixed, mixed race, biracial, interracial, multi-heritage

As language evolves and shifts over time and place, so do the words we use to describe being mixed race. What feels comfortable to one person may feel profoundly uncomfortable or painful to another.

However you identify, our intention is that Mixed... together will be a safe, therapeutic group space to experience, reflect and process together in "mixed-icity" (lived experience of mixedness).

Mixed... together co-facilitated by Zoë Welsh and Uloma Hafstad.

An opportunity to explore and share experiences of mixed-icity

A safe space to nourish connection and belonging

A means to find your voice

A chance to learn more about yourself and your experience

Somewhere to be differently different together

  • An opportunity to explore and share experiences of mixed-icity
  • A safe space to nourish connection and belonging
  • A means to find your voice
  • A chance to learn more about yourself and your experience
  • Somewhere to be differently different together

We are both Transactional Analysis Psychotherapeutic Counsellors and Transactional Analysts in advanced clinical training at the Metanoia Institute.

Where and when...

The group will run online on Zoom on Monday evenings, 17.30-19.00 for eight weeks.

We are offering this group space as we work towards completion of our Masters qualification. We are not charging for the sessions but ask that you commit to attend all eight weeks and consent to having the sessions recorded for study and examination purposes. Thank you.

If you are interested in joining Mixed... together please contact either one of us for an initial chat: